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A message from our Board Chair, Susan Willis-Hirst

As I write this, our world is surrounded with uncertainty and fear. One thing we are certain of is that the people cbm serves around the globe need our help more than ever. Those who live in poverty with a disability are profoundly vulnerable to infectious diseases, and the support you provide will help many who face this reality.

2019 was a year of significant change at both governance and management levels. Our cbm international family has emerged from this organisational change still focused on a wide portfolio of programmes designed to have the greatest impact for people living with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. We are confident that we have excellent people and plans in place to extend the impact of cbm New Zealand.

Our Board and leadership team are dedicated to using effective partners with impactful programmes – whether that is through transformative fistula surgery in Africa or enabling education and livelihood training for those living with a disability in Nepal and Papua New Guinea.

In 2020, we celebrate 30 years of a cbm office in New Zealand. Many of you have been journeying with us for that entire time and we are so grateful for your faithful contribution to the mission of cbm.

Thank you to all of our funders, supporters, staff and volunteers for your loyalty and commitment.

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