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Memo of Understanding

Earlier this year CBM Global and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) signed a 5-year Memorandum of Understanding.

This partnership is a very important step forward for IOM, to take more meaningful action in addressing the barriers faced by migrants with disabilities, particularly within humanitarian settings.

The Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, will see an increased participation of people with disabilities and their representative organizations in the work of Camp Co-ordination and Camp Management as well as Cash-Based Interventions.

David Bainbridge, Executive Director of CBM Global, welcomed this practical approach towards the collaboration stating that “The partnership with IOM is of particular significance as it mutually supports furthering disability inclusion in humanitarian action, allows joint learning on inclusive practices and will offer a real understanding of how organisations of persons with disabilities can be part of finding creative solutions to overcome exclusion. CBM Global believes that the partnership with IOM provides an important opportunity to create lasting change and greater positive impact on the lives of people with disabilities, particularly in humanitarian settings”.

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