We are thrilled to share with you the latest news from our cbm-funded cataract outreach clinics in Papua New Guinea.
In PNG, the number of people needing cataract surgery far outweighs the availability of eye surgeons for this life-changing surgery. But thanks to generous cbm supporters like you, another cataract outreach clinic took place in October in East New Britain – an island off the east coast of Papua New Guinea. An amazing 160 sight-saving cataract surgeries were performed within just five days!
A team of six theatre staff from the Goroka Eye Unit in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, led by Dr Jambi Garap from the University of Papua New Guinea in Port Moresby, flew to the island. Initially, postponement due to COVID-19 was a very real possibility, but the clinic was finally able to go ahead as domestic travel-restrictions lifted, although the challenges did not end there! Power outages and difficulties with the water source forced the team to stay on standby for several days.
As people made their way to the clinic in Vunapope, from all across the island, the outreach team were eager to get started. They channeled all their energy to make sure that, by the end of the clinic, every person had been seen. You can take great joy, through your support of cbm, for the all-female team of surgeons, theatre staff from Goroka Eye Unit and cbm-partner Callan Services for transforming the lives of so many people.
THANK YOU! It’s through the faithful support of people like you, donating to Miracles Day, that this clinic was able to go ahead – you truly have given the miracle of sight.